Message from the Chairperson's Desk


The Healthcare Christian Fellowship (HCF) of South Africa wishes to place on record our sincere appreciation and support for all the healthcare workers at this time. We have just started the festive season in our country where most people travel to spend time with their relatives and friends or just take some time off from work for a needed rest and refresh.

Covid-19 has raised its ugly head in the form of a second wave of infection with a threat of putting our hospital services under pressure. As a nation, we need to remain vigilant and not succumb to social fatigue resulting in irresponsible behavior.

Thank you, Lord, for waking us up today and for the gift of life. Please put a shield around our loved ones today. We pray that you heal our family, community, country, and the whole world from this pandemic. We ask Lord that you wrap us with your love and protection. Dear Father, please heal us from the pandemic of Sin also through the shed blood of your Son.

Dear prayer partners,

It is a privilege and responsibility to be called to provide leadership of HCFE at this time in history, knowing that this is not about me but Christ and His glory alone. I, therefore, call upon you as co-workers with Christ and urge you that together ‘let us run with the gospel message to the nations in the light of the setting sun!’ We have been called to serve the Lord in the ‘last days. There is still a lot to be done and indeed at times with our best efforts, it feels like we are only scratching the surface but remember He has called us to be faithful on our part, the measure of success is His part.

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the opportunity for churches NGOs to support Healthcare workers and for Healthcare workers to be extensions of the faith community to people in need.

Commitment and cooperation from all provinces and local structures will ensure that together we move forward with unity of purpose to the glory of the Lord in this part of the vineyard. I thank the Lord upon every remembrance of you as I believe we have gelled as a leadership team.

Together in His service,

Damte Shimelis

Chairperson, HCFE