Health workers Christian fellowship of Ethiopia (HCFE) was initially organized in the early 1990s by a group of born again health professionals working in the health sector who had a burden to reach the unsaved. An Organizing Committee was formed in Addis Ababa in 1978. Subsequently several fellowships were established in various public health institutions in Addis Ababa which later expanded to involve born again Christians working in the health sector outside Addis Ababa.

In 1991 Health Care Christian Workers Fellowship was established at a national level HCFE had received a work permit from the then Ministry of Justice and was registered as a non-governmental organization

HCFE is part of a family of the HCF international fellowship which networks with Christian health care workers in several countries who are passionate about Jesus Christ and his love for the sick and dying. HCF international started in 1936 through Christian businessman, Francis Grim while visiting his elderly father in hospital. He saw that physical needs of patients were met, but spiritual needs largely ignored. Burdened about this need, he began to teach a small group of nurses how to care spiritually for the sick. From this grew a world-wide movement in more than 100 nations.

HCFE is also an associate member of the Ethiopian Evangelical Churches Fellowship. Currently HCFE has 115 fellowships in public and private health institutions in Addis Ababa and 50 fellowships outside Addis Ababa. HCFE continues to serve the people of Ethiopia under the leadership of committed Christian health workers in collaboration with evangelical churches and other Christian ministries.

Since its formation, the fellowship has disseminated the gospel of Jesus Christ to 88,0258 patients and their care givers and 50 thousand of them have received Jesus Christ as their savior, 2212 back sliders have repented and hundred twenty thousand New Testament Books have been distributed.