

The ICMDA Disciple-Making Ministry (DMM) was originally developed by Nurgul Mamyrova with the help of Chris Steyn of HCFI.

It began in 2018 with two groups of four people in May (women) and June (men) and has since multiplied across the world with people from most of ICMDA’s 14 world regions now involved.

DMM is all about helping one another to love and obey Jesus Christ and to know his Lordship in every area of our lives.

The aim is to grow Christian disciples in accordance with Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), training them to be fruitful in making other disciples in their families, churches, workplaces, and communities.

Participants join a gender-specific DMM Micro Group of three to five people, of whom one is a facilitator from a previous group, and commit themselves to Bible-centred accountable relationships.

We use a Bible Discovery Approach to learning about Jesus, based on the acronym ‘SOAPS’ which stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Sharing.

Each DMM Micro Group meets via Zoom (1-1.5 hours) initially every week for the first five sessions and then every month for the next 18-24 months. Micro Group members then start new groups so that the number of disciples is continually multiplying.

There is a well-developed curriculum for Micro-Groups now extending to 42 sessions which begins with the ‘Seven Greats’ of Jesus Christ.

  • The Great Commandment (Loving God and neighbor) – Matthew 22:37-40
  • The Great Prayer (the Lord’s Prayer) – Matthew 6:9-14
  • The Great Commission (Go and make disciples) – Matthew 28:19,20
  • The Great Priority (seeking first God’s Kingdom) – Matthew 6:33
  • The Great Lifestyle (The Beatitudes) – Matthew 5:3-12
  • The Great Calling (Preaching, Healing, Deliverance, Justice) – Luke 4:18-19
  • The Great Focus (The hungry, naked, sick, strangers, prisoners) – Matthew 25:31-46

Subsequent sessions include the Kingdom of God (21 sessions), Integral healing (7 sessions), and Jesus’ ‘I AM’ statements (7 sessions).

ICMDA’s DMM program is global and is coordinated by Nurgul Mamyrova, Associate Executive Officer (AEO) for Eurasia, Pakistan, and South Korea.

For more information and to be put in touch with Nurgul and other leaders please fill out the form below.